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Solid vs Liquid Diets


What are considerations for solid vs liquid diets?


What are some of the considerations when deciding between liquid and solid diets? For example, if you have a tumor or something causing blockage in part of your digestive system:

  • Food choices you can have will depend on how much fiber or residue you can tolerate. This is very individualized. Talk to your doctor about the the type of diet recommended for you. Strongly recommend that you meet with a registered dietitian/nutritionist to help guide you
  • Notify your doctor right away if you have nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain
  • Notify your doctor If you have not had a bowel movement for 2 to 3 days
  • Do not take any over the counter medication or supplements without first talking with your doctor

Food choices if you are allowed to eat solid foods:

  • You need to avoid foods that can cause your stool to be bulky, such as whole grain bread, cerealss, wild rice and raw vegetables
  • Fruits and vegetables need to be cooked or canned. You may need to restrict the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat to three or fewer servings per day
  • Make sure you are taking enough fluids to keep stool from becoming hardened in your bowel; usually this is at least 8 cups of fluid per day, but may be more or less
  • Recommend meats, eggs, poultry and fish, as well as milk, yogurt and cheese for protein
  • Recommend refined breads and cereals such as white bread and white rice
  • Depending upon your food choices, a multivitamin may be indicated. Talk to your doctor and consult an oncology registered dietitian/nutritionist.
  • Consider juicing to help you get enough nutrition

Food choices if you are only allowed only liquids:

  • Recommend juices, milk, strained soups, coffee, tea, jello and soft drinks
  • Liquid nutritional supplements are recommended
  • Consider juicing to help you get enough nutrition
  • Multivitamin possibly indicated. Talk to your doctor and consult an oncology registered dietitian/nutritionist

You can go to the link below to get information on juicing

Check with your treatment center about meeting with an oncology registered dietitian/nutritionist, or go to this link to find one

This information is not intended to replace the individual recommendations or guidance you may have received from your physician or registered dietitian.

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